
E-counseling is the first therapist’s response to a client’s distress (distress in interpersonal relationships, emotional and mental distress, difficulties in raising children, divorce related distress, loss of loved ones, family violence etc.). Through e-counseling therapist can advise a client on seeking appropriate psychosocial support. Furthermore, the user is enabled to set the date for the initial advisory interview. Users’ questions will be answered within 48 hours.

Online counseling will be provided by: family therapist mag. Mojca Pompe Stopar spec. ZDT; Damijan Ganc, ZDT; and systemic family therapy practitioner Anja Kurent.






E-counselling is informative in nature and is not an e-psychotherapy.

Questions will be answered within 48 hour via email.

Users’ privacy and data confidentiality are protected in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (OG 94/07).

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